5G will cause of cencer? 5G Radiation Problem

Hello guys, At present we are enjoying 4G internet service and we will enjoy 5G service very soon. May be, you believe that 5G radiation are harmful to our health. Yes, 5G frequency is different from 4G or our wifi. For example our wifi work at 2.4GHz or 5GHz and if we talk about 2G, 3G or 4G there frequency is about 700 mHz to 2.5Ghz. But, 5G network is based on mm waves. Definitely energy of mm waves is high and frequency can go upto 300mHz. So, mostly people saying about 5G radiation that its harmful and about a report which iscame out by IARC (Internation Agency for Research on Cancer) who classified radio frequency rays possibly cause of cancer. According to IARC , "Possibly" word mean limited evidence so they said possibly. If, we are talk more about IARC, it says coffee is also cause of cance...